Christmas “SnowFall” animation using WS2812 leds.
Back in 2015 I designed a Christmas Tree Animation using WS2812 RGB Leds.
I had some leds left over and also made an animated Snowfall effect using 40 WS2812 leds arranged in 5 columns of 8.
There are about 20 different animation effects chosen at random.
The leds are soldered to individual PCBs as used on the Christmas tree project and then fixed onto thin strips of transparent plastic (also left-over from the other project).
They were then strung together and hung inside a window.
I didn’t have time to document the build last year but here is some information for building it:

The power and data wires are connected to the individual pixel PCBs as shown above.

A PCB is used for the PIC18F25K22 microcontroller. Power is from a 5V regulated supply (At least 2 Amp rated)
Only connecter P1 is currently being used for the LEDS.
A 28 pin socket is used for the PIC microcontroller.

The PDF file for a single-sided PCB is here: (print it at 100% scale)
The PIC18F25K22 HEX file is here: